We are so ready to go! We have sold our previous camper for a fifth wheel with more storage. We have given so much away, sold our "stuff", taken some to storage and worked on improving our home. Now it is on the market and we are ready to hit the road! The children ask me on a regular basis, "when are we leaving"? We are waiting for our home to sell and are anticipating that it will soon.
We know that we have been assigned to this travel adventure for this season of our lives and we are so excited! It will be a blast! Anything that God says to do is always an exciting journey and it's always the best!
We have had several friends ask us where will we head first? Although we're not sure, right now we'd like to see some snow! And lots of it! It would be easy to long for the adventure we're about to embark, however, and not enjoy the moment of day. The blessings of today and the goodness that is all around us. We have so much to be thankful for and during this season we're relishing in the spirit of Christmas.
While we wait in expectation, Merry Christmas!