We only stayed two nights in Louisiana. We are planning on getting back to South Carolina for a meeting, so we didn't take the time. Maybe next time we'll see more, but we did drive through New Orleans. We drove over Lake Pontchartrain, HUGE! We've never seen cemeteries with all the tombs above the ground, but they are here!!

Awesome state park campground! We love the big trees here! The children love the huge playground. The state park has just reopened from being destroyed in hurricane Katrina.
There was a water park connected with the park, but was also destroyed. We've been amazed to see the empty lots where homes were destroyed, but the lot was left empty. Some have chosen to rebuild a home and some have chosen to put an RV on the lot, temporarily or permanently.
It has become a joke with us now that wherever we decide to camp there is going to be a working railroad close by. Usually we don't think about it ahead of time, but then we ALL laugh when we are setting up, or just settling in and we hear the horn of the train!! At this campground the tracks were right next to our camper, we set up at night and didn't see it, but it didn't blow the horn here so it was fine.
In this photo the large building is a newly built casino. Unfortunately it is built right in a poor area, as if they were targeting them.
It was pretty awesome that the road was right next to the ocean! We've never driven on a road next to, or on, the beach like this. Pretty amazing. It was beautiful driving on this road as we drove east to stay at the air force base in Biloxi.