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April 15, 2010

House under contract!

It's official! We have a contract on our home! Our closing date is weeks and weeks away, but that's okay because it just gives us more time to prepare for further travels. We are very happy with the family that is buying our home. They seem like such a nice family and they're in the military too. Yes, they BOTH are, the wife too! We are so thankful to them for serving our country.
I'm sure that they're going to love it here as we have. It seems strange to leave too though. It is different than when you have a home on a small lot or land because we have put so much into this land. Plants, trees, bushes, flowers, fruit trees and an above ground garden. In some ways it is amazing that we're leaving, but I find comfort in knowing God has something better. He's got more for us and the children! So that is what we put our focus on! That and the answer to prayer that our house is under contract!
Thank You Father for another wonderful day in You!