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August 9, 2010

Minnesota; Temp: low 80s and no humidity here! Nice breeze!

This is an awesome camping spot! We drove passed miles and miles, yes again, corn fields and then came to an area with large shade trees and this campground. There must have been only 10 sites and it is run on an honor system. Just mail in your payment that is less than $10.00! We only had electricity here with a water pump (that you really had to pump) up on the hill. We only stayed for one night, but it was perfect! The weather was finally perfect! We had a nice breeze all day and the temperature was in the low 60s at night with no humidity. It was the first night to open all the windows and enjoy the cool, crisp, clean air. We love to hear the crickets, the birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees.

There is really black soil here!
Hunter found this dandelion flower and it was MUCH larger than the ones down south!
Below that is the water pump. The water tasted horrible though, but it worked for washing our hands and washing dishes!