These are more photos of the campground where we stayed. The family who ran the campground had a couple of horses and here is their foal. He's very young!
It was so awesome to see this train from such a far distance! We could barely hear the whistle, but we could watch it move and snake around the prairie without anything blocking our vision. That is something cool about the west.
We are a family of 8 on an adventure of a lifetime, living our dream.
To find out more about us, read the ministry section below. We hope you'll enjoy the blog and visit often.
One thing we love about camping is it's simplicity. It is a very inexpensive way to live and such a great way to travel and see more of our America and surrounding countries. It relieves us from Home Owner Association fees and yard work, but it also relieves us from a lot of extra things that we simply don't need. It is easy to get bogged down with too many things and end up being a slave to all your stuff because you have to clean it up or reorganize it all. Living simpler brings a liberty that is refreshing.
Vail, Colorado
We camped right here! AWESOME!
Too Cold!
Driving up the mountain of Vail, Co., Daddy has the windows down and Jacob says, "It's cold!"
We sold our home, sold our farm animals, gave away our pets :( , sold our "things", but gave away most to set out on the calling God has for us! We gave up a lot, but we wouldn't trade it for the world! We are loving traveling and loving being in the ministry. It was a huge step of faith and we're glad we have taken the leap! God has a destiny for YOU too.
We are in full time ministry as we travel around the U.S. and world. If you would like to find out more about this ministry please go to
Just thought we'd add a little more detail to the Blog Archive below, so that you can quickly click to see photos of some of the greatest places we've been.
August: Badlands in S. Dakota & Yellowstone
September: Glacier National Park & Colorado Springs
October: Colorado Springs
Blog Archive: Click month to read our other blogs.
2011 March: Recently I told Faith goodnight and told her to close her eyes. She said, "Yes, ma'am", like always and obeyed. Then Steve came through the room and saw her open her eyes and look at him and then close them real quick. So Steve walked right up to Faith's face, nose to nose, and said, "Are you asleep?" Faith kept her eyes closed and nodded her head yes! February: Towards the end of supper Jacob got up from the table and saw a fork that had not been used by anyone. So he said, "Hey, this one can be recycled," meaning that we could put it back in the drawer. (Steve and I glanced at each other and smiled because we had never told him to call it recycling.) Then Joshua piped up and said, "Yeah, maybe it can be turned into a spoon or something!" 2010 "Momie, I wet my pants", Joshua says. "Why didn't you just go pottie?", momie asks. "I did", says Joshua! ;) On 5/23/10 Christian said, "If only someone hadn't created math!" On 7/27/10 After reading the Bible like we try to do every night, Steve asked the little ones some questions. One of the questions was, "do you know who wrote the Bible?" Jacob answered, "Paul." Joshua answered very matter of fact, "Rick Steves." After much laughter, Steve said, "No, God wrote it all." :) 8/9/10 Joshua asks Daddy to play Simon says and a few other games when we walked back to the camper. Daddy says, "Yes." So before bedtime they played these games. One of them was "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" After about 5 minutes of playing Joshua makes the statement, "No, you won't steal my cookies. The police will come and put you in jail." ;) We forgot one: about a week ago while traveling in the car together, Joshua and Jacob were playing with a toy that sang the song, "The farmer and the dale..." Jacob and Joshua changed the words to: the farmer in the dale, the farmer in the dale, Hi Ho the dairy Oh, the farmer's in the jail."