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August 22, 2010

Old Faithful and the Old Faithful Lodge

We drove into Yellowstone with the warm sun shining on us. It was another beautiful day, but we did see some clouds and knew that we'd be increasing in elevation again and we'd better take our jackets. Most of us, all except Christian, wore pants too. Unfortunately, for him mostly, it got quite cold. The clouds came and the sun hid behind them. The wind came with the clouds! Oh my! The temperatures dropped rather quickly! When we finally reached Old Faithful we asked the Ranger how much longer it would be before she showed off her glory again. The answer: 30 more minutes, so we went inside the lodge to wait. The setting was perfect! The lodge is absolutely beautiful. People were rushing inside to get in from the wind and cold. There were families unloading their suitcases from their cars to stay in this warm retreat! The fire was roaring in the massive stone fireplace and people were happy. We LOVED that it ended up being cold. We thought it was perfect weather for this large, log and stone lodge to have cold weather to welcome us! And what a welcome it was! Hot chocolate is not something we often have, so it's a real treat and we decided to have a cup while we waited for Old Faithful. Yummy! I think it was the most delicious we've ever had! Now we're off! Time to go watch this Beauty show herself off to us! It was surely a sight to see!

The above photo is more hot springs next to Old Faithful. The water spewing out of Old Faithful is approximately 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

We are on our way out of Yellowstone and it sleets on us a little. Then we got stopped by the buffalo!! People kept allowing them to cross the road.