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July 24, 2010

Ohio and driving back through Indiana

We drove from Indiana to Ohio and stayed one night. We went to pray for friends of ours there. It was wonderful to see them and the area where they live. It is a former Shaker village. The Shakers ran an orphanage on the grounds and the retirement community that owns it today still owns 1300 acres of land!!!! It is filled with cornfields and soybean too. They also have a golf course, playground, a huge community garden and a pond filled with 3-4 feet long koi! The sign on the pond said: No Wading, Swimming or Ice Skating!! Now there's a sign you don't see in the south!! No ice skating!
Our few Ohio photos: There have been a lot of these flowers in Ind, Ill and Ohio. The moon was hanging right over a beautiful.... you guessed it, corn field!! With a beautiful barn next to it.

Below the photos of the corn fields are photos of our modern windmills. It was a surprise to see them, but even more surprising to see how many miles and miles there were of them. They filled the corn fields. It was immense!